In November, the price of ethylene oxide fell by 5.88%, and there is a high probability of sideways fluctuations in December

The price of ethylene oxide decreased in November


In November, the price of ethylene oxide decreased by 5.88%. According to data from Business Society, as of November 30th, the average price of ethylene oxide in the domestic market was 6400 yuan/ton; From a regional perspective, the epoxy ethane market in East China is priced at 6400 yuan/ton externally; The listed price of ethylene oxide in the South China market is 6500 yuan/ton; The listed price of epoxy ethane in North China is 6400-6500 yuan/ton; The listed price of ethylene oxide in Northeast China is 6250 yuan/ton; The listed price of ethylene oxide in the central China market is 6500 yuan/ton.


The main downstream polycarboxylate water reducing agent monomer is generally affected by terminal demand, but the recent demand is weak, which generally supports the price of ethylene oxide.


Loose raw material prices and weakened cost support


The price of raw material ethylene has begun to show a weak market consolidation, and the cost of ethylene oxide is generally supported. On November 27th, the central parity rate (CFR) for Northeast Asia Ethylene Gold was $861 per ton, a decrease of $20 per ton from the central parity rate of $881 per ton at the beginning of the month (November 1st).


Stable price of ethylene oxide in December


Short term crude oil decline, weak and stable ethylene prices, and weak cost side of ethylene oxide; The average demand for downstream products has led to a recent decline in the price of ethylene oxide. However, as profits expand towards negative values, there is an expectation of a decrease in the operating rate of ethylene oxide, and the downward space gradually narrows. It is expected that in December, with the expected recovery of cost, the price of ethylene oxide will stop falling and stabilize, with a high probability of sideways fluctuations.