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The price of maleic anhydride continues to decline

According to the commodity analysis system of Shengyi Society, the domestic maleic anhydride market has continued to decline recently. As of July 24th, the average market price of n-butane oxidation maleic anhydride remained at 6780 yuan/ton, a decrease of 2.02% from 6920 yuan/ton on July 16th.


In terms of supply: Recently, the main factories producing maleic anhydride have implemented a downward trend in prices, and factories have also followed suit, with prices hitting the lowest point of the year. As of July 24th, the ex factory price of solid anhydride in Shandong region is around 6300 yuan/ton, and the ex factory price of liquid anhydride is around 58500 yuan/ton.


Upstream: Recently, the international crude oil market has fallen sharply, and the price of n-butane has also declined. As of July 24th, the price in Shandong is around 5300-5350 yuan/ton.


Downstream: Recently, the prices of unsaturated resin raw materials have fallen, with limited cost support and abundant market inventory. The downstream production of unsaturated resin is limited, which has limited support for unsaturated resin. As a result, the overall market for unsaturated resin has fallen.


The analyst of Shengyi Society’s maleic anhydride products believes that the main factories of maleic anhydride have recently implemented price reductions, and market operations are cautious, resulting in limited transactions; The downstream unsaturated resin market is weak, and there is limited procurement of maleic anhydride. It is expected that the maleic anhydride market will mainly consolidate at a low level in the near future.

On the 24th, the price of polyester filament decreased slightly

On the 24th, the price of polyester filament was reduced compared to before, and the overall quotation for polyester filament was lowered by 100-300 yuan/ton. Since mid July, the inventory pressure of polyester factories has increased. Following the price reduction promotion of polyester filament in small factories last week, large factories have also joined the pace of price reduction this week. A large number of polyester factories, including several major manufacturers, collectively lowered the price of polyester filament.


Supply side: The production capacity growth of polyester filament has slowed down in recent times, but some polyester factories still face inventory pressure. In order to alleviate inventory pressure, polyester factories have adopted a strategy of price reduction and promotion, including multiple polyester factories collectively lowering the price of polyester filament. On the demand side: The current textile market is in a traditional off-season, with lower operating rates of downstream weaving enterprises and relatively reduced demand for raw materials. In addition, downstream enterprises’ resistance to price increases has also affected their enthusiasm for purchasing raw materials.


According to data from the General Administration of Customs of the People’s Republic of China, the export volume of polyester filament from China decreased by 7.34% year-on-year in the first half of 2024. The year-on-year decline in exports to major trading partners such as India and Türkiye is particularly significant. This is mainly due to the failure of domestic polyester factories to pass the BIS certification in India, the increase in shipping costs caused by the Red Sea incident, and the production of polyester and polyester facilities locally by some trading partners. However, some trading partners such as Vietnam, Pakistan, and Indonesia have also achieved positive growth in export volume.


The recent market trend of polyester filament has shown characteristics of price reduction, supply-demand imbalance, and year-on-year decline in exports. The future development of the market will be influenced by various factors, including market supply and demand, export situation, and policy environment.

The epoxy propane market remained stable with a slight increase (7.17-7.23)

According to the Commodity Market Analysis System of Shengyi Society, as of July 23, the average price of epoxy propane in the domestic market was reference at 8952.50 yuan/ton, an increase of 0.08% compared to last Wednesday’s (July 17) price.


From the commodity market analysis system of Shengyi Society, it can be seen that the epoxy propane market has slightly increased recently. As of July 23rd, the mainstream price reference for epoxy propane in Shandong’s market is around 8700 yuan/ton.


Analysis of Factors Influencing Market Trends:


On the cost side: Recently, the price of raw material propylene has fluctuated narrowly, and the price of raw material liquid chlorine first fell and then rose. The cost is supported by the epoxy propane market.


Supply and demand side: Some equipment maintenance and load reduction operations have led to an overall decrease in market supply, low inventory levels on the supply side, manufacturers are not pressured to raise prices, downstream companies are mainly observing and following up appropriately, and the focus of negotiations in the epoxy propane market is stable with a slight increase.


Market forecast:


Business Society’s epoxy propane analyst believes that short-term cost support continues, supply side pressure is temporarily controllable, and downstream follow-up is mainly wait-and-see. It is expected that in the short term, the epoxy propane market will remain strong and wait-and-see, and more attention should be paid to market news guidance.

The decrease in inquiries has led to a drop in the price of ammonium sulfate (7.15-7.22)

1、 Price trend


According to the Commodity Market Analysis System of Shengyi Society, the average price of ammonium sulfate in the domestic market on July 22 was 910 yuan/ton, which is 3.19% lower than the average price of 940 yuan/ton on July 15.


2、 Market analysis


This week, the domestic ammonium sulfate market prices have mainly declined. This week, there has been frequent rainfall in many areas, resulting in poor transportation. The operating rate of coking enterprises remains stable, while the operating rate of domestic enterprises has increased. At present, the market supply is relatively sufficient, and the enthusiasm for downstream procurement has weakened. The main focus is on price cutting procurement, and the export market has not improved yet. As of July 22nd, the mainstream ex factory quotation for coking grade ammonium sulfate in Shandong region is around 870 yuan/ton. Domestic grade ammonium sulfate, the mainstream ex factory quotation in Shandong region is around 890-920 yuan/ton.


3、 Future forecast


An ammonium sulfate analyst from Shengyi Society believes that the ammonium sulfate market has been weak in recent days. At present, there is a decrease in market inquiries, weak domestic and international demand, and downstream cautious observation is the main focus. It is expected that the domestic price of ammonium sulfate will be weak in the short term and will be adjusted accordingly.

The demand is deadlocked, and the domestic phthalic anhydride market has slightly fallen this week

This week, the price of phthalic anhydride has slightly fallen


According to the Commodity Market Analysis System of Shengyi Society, the price trend of phthalic anhydride in the domestic phthalic anhydride market has fallen this week. As of July 19th, the price of phthalic anhydride in the phthalic anhydride process was 8075 yuan/ton, a slight decrease of 0.15% from the price of 8087.50 yuan/ton on July 12th. Domestic neighboring phthalic anhydride is priced at 7800-8100 yuan/ton before leaving the factory, while domestic naphthalene phthalic anhydride is priced at 7450-7550 yuan/ton before leaving the factory.


Supply side: tight supply of goods


The operation of domestic phthalic anhydride plants is temporarily stable, with a production rate of about 60%. The spot supply of phthalic anhydride is stable, and the sales situation of phthalic anhydride manufacturers is average. This week, the price of industrial naphthalene fluctuated slightly and fell, and the naphthalene phthalic anhydride market fell. The ortho benzene market stabilized, and the cost support led to a slight decline in the ortho benzene phthalic anhydride market.


Demand side: DOP market is fluctuating and falling


According to the Commodity Market Analysis System of Shengyi Society, as of July 19th, the price of plasticizer DOP was 9725 yuan/ton, which fluctuated and fell by 1.89% compared to the DOP price of 9912.50 yuan/ton on July 12th last weekend. The market for phthalic anhydride, a raw material for plasticizers, has fluctuated and stabilized, while the price of isooctanol has fluctuated and fallen. The cost of plasticizers has also decreased, and the price of DOP, a plasticizer, has fluctuated and fallen this week. With the arrival of the hot and rainy season, PVC has entered a seasonal off-season in the industry, with both domestic demand off-season and export reduction coexisting. Downstream manufacturers are in the off-season, with low production levels and weak follow-up on actual transactions. The demand for plasticizers is poor, and there is significant downward pressure on plasticizers.


Future forecast


The data analyst for phthalic anhydride products at Shengyi Society believes that in the future, in terms of cost, the recent trend of crude oil prices has been fluctuating and consolidating, the price of ortho xylene has stabilized, and the cost support for phthalic anhydride still exists; In terms of demand, the downstream DOP market has fluctuated and fallen, resulting in poor demand for plasticizers. The cost is temporarily stable with weak demand, and the downward pressure on phthalic anhydride is increasing; The market for Nafthalic anhydride has weakened, which is bearish for neighboring phthalic anhydride. It is expected that the market for phthalic anhydride will remain weak and consolidate in the future.