The PET market was narrowly weakening in November

According to the analysis system of the commodity market of Shengyishe, as of November 29th, the average price of PET water bottle grade is 7000 yuan/ton. The overall PET market price in November showed a downward trend, with a decrease of 1.96%. The overall market performance in November was mainly narrow and weak. Currently, the mainstream price is around 7000 yuan/ton, and the overall market supply and demand are balanced.


In November, the domestic PET price remained stable with a weak trend. At the beginning of November, the price was 7140 yuan/ton, and at the end of the month, it was 7000 yuan/ton, a decrease of 1.96% compared to the same period last month. The overall price in November was weak and downward, with a low focus on negotiations. Currently, the mainstream price is around 7000 yuan/ton, and downstream restocking is mainly based on demand. The negotiation atmosphere is average, with manufacturers mainly offering discounts and taking orders. Upstream cost support is average, and stable operation is the main focus.


Rubber and Plastic Commodity Index: On November 28, the rubber and plastic index was 669 points, an increase of 1 point from yesterday, a decrease of 36.89% from the highest point in the cycle of 1060 points (2012-03-14), and an increase of 26.70% from the lowest point of 528 points on April 6, 2020. (Note: The cycle refers to 2011-12-01 present).


PET analysts from Business Society believe that the PET market is expected to operate steadily, with a weak trend in the short term. Currently, the mainstream price of PET is around 7000 yuan/ton.