Lack of demand power, PET supply and demand deadlock,the price is up and down dilemma

According to the data monitored by the business community, as of April 14, the quotation of pet water bottle manufacturers was 7050.00 yuan / ton, and the market focus of PET bottle chips declined, which was 1.63% lower than that of the same period last month. The overall market transaction atmosphere was cold.


Pet market price is stable but weak, some factories slightly reduce 50-100 yuan / ton, downstream demand is insufficient, the number of new orders is limited, upstream price is up in a narrow range, pet cost support is general, compared with the same period last week, PTE price decreased by 1.63%, the decline is 110 yuan / ton, inventory consumption is slow, supply and demand is stalemate, rise and fall dilemma, the overall market purchasing atmosphere is cold.


Manufacturer / region: Quotation (yuan / ton) date

Zhejiang wankai PET bottle chip Co., Ltd

Zhuhai China Resources Co., Ltd. ﹣ 7050 ﹣ April 14

Henan Anhua polyester bottle chip Co., Ltd

Yizheng Chemical fiber bottle piece 6800 April 14

Xiamen Tenglong plastic bottle 6900 April 14

Guangdong Taibao polyester bottle chip Co., Ltd

Ethylene glycol index: on April 13, the commodity index of ethylene glycol was 52.12, down 0.93 points from yesterday, down 50.30% from the highest point of 104.87 points (2011-09-18), and up 55.44% from the lowest point of 33.53 points on April 2, 2020. (Note: period refers to 2011-09-01 to now).


Pet analysts of business news agency believe that: in terms of cost, the upstream raw material support is insufficient, the downstream demand is poor, the overall market shipment is slow, the pet market is in a narrow range of shocks, and the operation is weak and stable. (to know more about the latest market trends, please pay attention to the official account of the business community, get information on goods and grasp the price of commodities).